Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Meriah's Killer Cardio for The Bottom Half

In my last post I gave my #1 choice for cardio machines - the rower. Now I'll give you my #2 choice - the stair climber.

First thing I want to clear up, this machine will not give you a bigger butt, bulkier legs, or any of those fears you may have. Only heavy weight training can do that. In fact, this is a great exercise to use if you carry weight on your bottom half, because it burns a ton of calories and will tighten, tone, and lift your rear.

As opposed to the elliptical, the stairs are:
  • functional and versatile
  • working your legs individually, challenging your core & balance
  • able to sculpt and strengthen your lower half
  • a total body exercise with some light dumbbells 
  • can get your heart rate up and burn a ton of calories

If your gym doesn't have a stepper, the next best option is to use a set of stairs like inside an apartment building or outside at the park. 
You can work up to doing sprints, 2 steps at a time… you want to go for at least 20-30 seconds for each sprint, so you can get your heart rate to the max, and then 8 times should be enough. You can also throw in some plyometrics, jumping up, 1 or 2 steps at a time… If you jump with both legs, land in a squat, or for a challenge try single leg hops. I promise you'll know they're working because you'll feel the burn. Bring a jump rope and a yoga mat to do some core exercises, and you can turn it into an intense total body circuit.

Now, if you go the gym, the machine is the next best option.

The machine can be tough if you're just starting out. But even if you're a veteran, make sure you maintain good alignment - it can be tempting to hold on to the railings and hunch over the machine for support, but you lose most of the effectiveness!

Here's how it should look:
  • Make like you're holding a mini-squat, butt slightly sticking out
  • Push off the step through the heel of your foot (you'll feel it in your glutes)
  • Keep your arms bent in front of you to counterbalance your weight
  • Chest up, shoulders back, and ab's tight so you feel your core working

Start out slow to build up endurance, balance, and coordination. Then some optional add-ins to maximize results
  • Before taking each step, lift into a rear (straight) leg raise, to really hit your glutes and hamstrings
  • Hold a set of dumbbells at your side to increase the challenge on your core
  • To step up the intensity, do alternating dumbbell curls, with a light weight, as you step
  • Slow it down a bit and lunge up by taking 2 steps at a time (great for your buns)
  • If you're ready to push up the weight, hold a bar on your shoulders, but be sure to keep your ab's tight and chest out
For best results, include a session on the stair climber 2-3 times a week. You'll start to notice not only a tighter rear, more defined legs, but an increase in your endurance as well.

No machine gets my heart rate up like the rower, and after 15 minutes on the stair climber my glutes feel like they're popping. Include these 2 in your routine and you'll get great results…  Whats your experience so far with the rower and the stair climber? Have you tried sprinting or using them in circuits?

In my next posts, I'll get into strength training and how to set up a program that works for you.

Any other questions or suggestions are welcome!
You can find me on Facebook, at WonderYogi.com or e-mail: meriahmccauley@gmail.com

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