Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Frozen Yogurt Strawberries & 4th of July

My biggest food weakness above and beyond anything is ice cream. If it didn't have any consequences, I think I could eat it for every meal, every day. One trick I use to try to tame this craving is to take strawberry yogurt and stick it in the freezer for 40 minutes so it gets the same consistency of soft serve.

When I was home for the 4th of July I went to the Nationals game with my family (I know - so American) but I decided I'd try out a treat that I had seen on Instagram. I'll worn you now, the picture I found on IG was WAY prettier than mine but it was delicious none the less and a great dessert treat :) I took fresh strawberries and I spread strawberry Greek Yogurt around the outside of the strawberries and then sprinkled cinnamon over top and stuck them in the freezer. The IG version used flavorless less Greek yogurt which I'm not a fan of and they didn't have cinnamon but I had to put my own spin on it. Give it a try!

The Instagram Pretty Version, brace yourself for my version 





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